Response To New Orleans: A National Embarrassment

The news coming out of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina has been devastating to watch unfold. The human suffering and 3rd world conditions in this major U.S. city continue to worsen and leave the rest of the country and the world wondering, "How could this happen?".
FEMA authorities yesterday reminded everyone that the vicitims do "bare some responsibility" for their fate, referring to the thousands who ignored the order to evacuate the city. This seems like a desperate comment from an overwhelmed organization and one that should have been spoken maybe after the bodies are picked up off the roadsides.
The National Guard is making a "too little, too late"appearance, their efforts coming much too late for the rape and looting victims of New Orleans. Again, how could this happen?
Not since 9/11 has there been an outcry over the lack of a national communication system between local, state and federal government. The slow, embarrassing display in New Orleans only shows that we've done nothing to improve our country's crisis response abilities.
It makes me fear what would happen in a multi-city terrorist attack. How would our government be able to respond? Unbelievably, we will be asking "How could this happen?" in our future if we continue ignoring our country's needs.
MySQL enters Unix pact with SCO
The SCO Group, which launched a high-profile attack against Linux, has signed a partnership with open-source database seller MySQL , the companies said Friday.
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