Feingold Stands Alone but Strong

Russ Feingold's call for censure makes me finally see someone of stature in the democratic party. While others back pedal or agree with the Bush administration's horrid decisions, Feingold has always stood his ground. Is there no one else who will stand with him??? /~Anna
Feingold reacted by telling reporters yesterday: ``I am amazed at Democrats cowering with this president's numbers so low. The administration just has to raise the specter of the war on terror and Democrats run and hide.''
Feingold's Argument
In a speech on the Senate floor on March 13, Feingold said the president authorized the eavesdropping program without congressional approval and ignored laws prohibiting such eavesdropping. By doing so, the president exceeded his authority when he directed the National Security Agency to monitor communications, Feingold argued. (Bloomberg)
Links: http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/Politics/story?id=1715495
I don't understand the run and hide democrats. Clinton was a lame-duck president but it didn't stop the repugnuts from piling on.
We need another political party. bush broke the law. Wire taping on private citizens without a warrant is a crime. Outing a CIA agent is a crime punishable by death. The bush Crime family breaks laws everyday and know one gets punished. But when you get your orders from god, what can you do? Wonder if Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini got their marching orders from the same god? koop
Well said, amigo!!
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