Bush's House of Cronies

As Michael Brown, head of FEMA, gets sent back to Washington to explain his failures durning Hurricane Katrina, more comes out on his lack of experience. Mr. Brown was clearly unqualified for his FEMA position and was actually asked to leave his last job. How many other important posts are filled with Bush campaign cronies?
Just yesterday, President Bush appointed his long time aide and conservative mouthpiece, Karen Hughes as undersecretary of State for public diplomacy. According to the Bush administration, Hughes will work with Condoleezza Rice on improving America's image in the Muslim world. Hughes, tough

This kind of buddy system is bringing America down, overseas and at home. Bush's latest approval ratings (39% and dropping) reflect this but he doesn't seem to care. Afterall, he and his cronies are on a mission from God....

To read more on Karen Hughes' appointment, link to:
For more info. on Michael Brown's last job before FEMA, link to:
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