Remember: 9/11/2001

7:58 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston for Los Angeles,carrying 56 passengers, two pilots, and seven flight attendants. TheBoeing 767 is hijacked after takeoff and diverted to New York.
7:59 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston for LosAngeles, carrying 81 passengers, two pilots, and nine flightattendants. This Boeing 767 is also hijacked and diverted to New York.
8:01 a.m. - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 carrying 38passengers, two pilots, and five flight attendants, leaves Newark, N.J.,for San Francisco.
8:10 a.m. - American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington'sDulles International Airport for Los Angeles, carrying 58 passengers,two pilots, and four flight attendants. The Boeing 757 is hijackedafter takeoff.
8:46 a.m. - American Flight 11 from Boston crashes into the NorthTower at the World Trade Center.
9:03 a.m. - United Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the SouthTower at the World Trade Center.- U.S. Federal Aviation Administration shuts down all NewYork area airports.
9:21 a.m. - Bridges and tunnels leading into New York Cityare closed.
9:25 a.m. - All domestic flights are grounded by U.S. FederalAviation Administration.
9:45 a.m. - American Flight 77 crashes into The Pentagon.10:05 a.m. - The South Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.
10:05 a.m. - The White House is evacuated.10:10 a.m. - A large section of one side of The Pentagon collapses.
10:10 a.m. - United Flight 93 crashes in a wooded area inPennsylvania, after passengers confront hijackers.
10:28 a.m. - The North Tower at the World Trade Center collapses.
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Những loại Sàn gỗ chịu nước chất lượng thường có độ bền từ 20 năm trở lên. Tuy nhiên, tuổi thọ của sàn còn phụ thuộc nhiều vào cách sử dụng cũng như bảo quản của gia chủ. Vì vậy, bạn không nên để sàn bị đọng nước, hãy mở cửa thông thoáng tránh tạo độ ẩm trong phòng.
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