Iraqi Official Upset: Journalist Detained

Shandal's hands are tied for he has no authority over the army or the Multinational Force (MNF), which were given sweeping authority under Resolution 1546. He stressed the importance of letting journalists do their job without the fear of being captured and detained.
"In this time of conflict ... Between terrorists and the army or Multinational Forces, the journalist comes to the fore.
"Full freedom should be given to journalists to take pictures and film in the field," he said. "Without images what would we know of history? We would know nothing."
Shandal is also very concerned that there is no accountability of soldiers who violate Iraqi laws.
"I am a man of law and a judge and I respect human rights... No citizen should be arrested without a court order."

Ali Omar Ibrahim-al-Mashadani is one of the Reuter photographers being held. He was captured by MNF for being a "threat". No other details have been given at this time.
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