The Back Room

Welcome to The Back Room! Step in, read, write and link with other sites that focus on the Bush Administration, their lies and our demand for the truth. The Back Room was created over many dinners, glasses of wine and "pints" of frustration over where our country is headed. We need more voices, your voices,to help us uncover and reclaim our democracy.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bush Sticking With Deal~Wants Arab Company to Run American Ports!

This is just another example of why we have never really tried to find the true enemies of 9/11~Bush is hand in hand with the oil Princes of Arabia and will do nothing but line his pockets with the blood of Americans.

Quoted from the Salt Lake Tribune:

Bush sternly defended the deal Tuesday. ''I really don't understand why it's OK for a British company to operate our ports, but not a company from the Middle East,'' he said, ''when our experts are convinced that port security is not the issue.''

What?? Most experts believe that our ports are highly open to terrorists. Why would he ignore this threat if he is so devoted to the "war on terror"? MONEY

For more on this:

Conflict of interest:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dead Eye Dick is Never Wrong

The Cheney Shooting controversy has been hilarious to watch play out on the Daily Show and other late night talk shows. Underlying the jokes, though, is the reality of the complete disregard for the American public to know "the truth". Cheney finally spoke publicly with Brit Humes of Fox News yesterday and Cheney refused to apologize for his handling of the release of information.

Everyone can relate with Cheney as far as being upset and concerned about his friend. Of course the poor man needed medical attention. You can't tell me that the Vice President of the United States of America, however, can't multi-task. Why did they wait so long to "come clean"? Rumors now surface of alcohol. Was Cheney intoxicated at the time of the accident??

Cheney has acted as he has with the all controversies involving this White House. He does what he wants, covers up what he doesn't want public to know and refuses to apologize for mistakes.

One can only look at this and say...what a dick.

Links on subject:

A. Huffington (funny!):

Others disagree with Cheney:

Humes interview:

Cheney choosing Fox adds fuel to fire:

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Will Oil Man Bush Give Funding to Renewable Energy???

Bush gave lip service to renewable energy but if you look at how connected he is to big oil, how much money his administration has given to oil companies and how much they have given in return, there doesn't leave a lot of hope for funding for solar panels.

Click on links below to read how strong the oil/Bush ties are:

Renewable Energy response to State of the Union speech:

State of the Union: Funding is Key
Funding Essential to Energy Diversity
Press Release from Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition
February 1, 2006

Washington, D.C. Without funding, Energy Freedom is just another word for everything left to lose. U.S. energy security hinges on providing reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible energy resources. We maintain the balance between these three energy priorities by developing and protecting our resource diversity. If we are to "act boldly in Freedom's Cause" and "support essential priorities" our energy policy needs to encourage a diverse energy supply so we are never beholden to or "addicted" to another single fuel source. U.S. energy policy cannot succeed if it is driven by the "flavor of the week" and the funds to be appropriated in next week's budget should include substantial funding for all potential contributors to our energy security, not a just a few.

U.S. energy security hinges on providing reliable, affordable, environmentally responsible energy resources. We maintain the balance between these three energy priorities by developing and protecting our resource diversity. Carlyn Elefant, CEOOcean Renewable Energy Coalition

When it comes to our global competitiveness, the United States is falling behind Europe and other regions in supporting ocean renewable technologies. These governments have demonstrated their political will and support for diversifying their own energy supplies by funding ocean renewable projects, getting them into the water, and bringing them closer to commercial viability. Ocean renewables include energy produced by waves, tides, ocean currents, offshore wind, and ocean thermal technologies-providing added diversity within the ocean renewable industry, while contributing to the overall mix of energy solutions.Last year's energy bill included support for ocean renewable technologies and other potential energy resources. Our energy security is an "essential priority" upon which our economy and quality of life rests. To fund only a few potential energy resources, when others can add to the overall solution, is to shortchange the foundation of our Nation's energy infrastructure.We urge the President, Senate, and House of Representatives to leave no rock unturned in meeting our Nation's energy security needs.