The Back Room

Welcome to The Back Room! Step in, read, write and link with other sites that focus on the Bush Administration, their lies and our demand for the truth. The Back Room was created over many dinners, glasses of wine and "pints" of frustration over where our country is headed. We need more voices, your voices,to help us uncover and reclaim our democracy.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hillary to Bush: "Let's Talk About Sex"!

O.K., maybe she didn't exactly put it like that, but Hillary Clinton has urged President Bush to talk to China's leaders about their "One Child" per family policy and mandatory abortions. Bush, who is visiting China this week, is more focus on trade issues but oh, wouldn't it be great to see him bring that subject up...on camera!

While I see Hillary's point, overpopulation is a huge issue for China and also the world. I think Hillary should keep focusing on Bush's own policy for sex education and birth control here in the U.S. and abroad as she has in the past. (See below link).

Here is what a current study by the U.N. has discovered on world overpopulation:

"World population, currently 6.5 billion, is growing by another 76 million people per year. According to the UN the world will add another 2.6 billion people by 2050. Rapid population growth has placed incredible stress on Earth's resources. Global demand for water has tripled since the 1950s, but the supply of fresh drinking water has been declining because of over-pumping and contamination. Half a billion people live in water-stressed or water-scarce countries, and by 2025 that number will grow to three billion. In the last 50 years, cropland has been reduced by 13% and pasture by 4%." June , 2005 U.N.

For more information on Hillary's request and China's policies, link below.~Anna

China population link:

Hillary Clinton urges Bush to talk about China's "One Child" link:

Hillary Clinton attacks Bush's policies on sex link:

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Vice That Dooms Bush~By Peter Preston

"The president's allegiance to Dick Cheney
consigns him to irrelevance and his country to chaos"

Great article by Peter Preston of The Guardian! Please link to:,,1641938,00.html


Charee and I went and saw, "Jarhead" over the weekend. Although, not Oscar material, Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard and Jamie Foxx hold the movie up with believable bravado and sensitivity.

The story line focuses on Desert Storm and a new marine recuit (Gyllenhall), who states that the only reason he's in the military is because "he got lost on the way to college".

The most interesting part of the movie is the underlying fact that we are still in "the desert", many years later.

For more info. on the movie, link to:

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hyatt, Radisson and Days Inn Hotels Hit

Amman hotels used by many Western reporters covering the Iraq War, American soldiers, Israeli tourists and Iraqis were attacked today by suicide bombers. Reports are blaming al Qaeda, who have long hated the Jordanian ruling government for being allies to the U.S.

Threats against the Jordanian capital have been well known since 1999.

Many high level Iraqi officials and business men often meet at the hotels which were considered safe compared to Baghdad.

Link to:

Thai Muslims

Interesting articles on what is going on in Thailand. Are Muslims being persecuted around the world?

Link to:

Turning of the Tide?

Democrats cleaned up big in off-year elections from New Jersey to California, sinking the candidate who embraced President Bush in the final days of the Virginia governor's campaign. They also turned back all four of GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger efforts to reshape state government.

Sen. Jon Corzine (news, bio, voting record) easily won the New Jersey governor's seat after an expensive, mudslinging campaign, trouncing Republican Doug Forrester by 10 percentage points. Polls in the last week had forecast a much closer race.

Democratic Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine won a solid victory in GOP-leaning Virginia, beating Republican Jerry Kilgore by more than 5 percentage points. Democrats crowed that Bush's election-eve rally for the former state attorney general only spurred more Kaine supporters to the polls.

In California, Schwarzenegger failed in his push to rein in the Democrat-controlled Assembly. All four of his ballot measures flopped: Capping spending, removing legislators' redistricting powers, making teachers work five years instead of two to pass probation, and restricting political spending by public employee unions.

Elsewhere, Texas voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional ban on gay marriage, Maine voted to preserve the state's new gay-rights law, and GOP Mayor Michael Bloomberg easily clinched a second term in heavily Democratic New York.

Democrats said the results were the first steps toward bigger victories next year — when control of Congress and 36 governors seats are at stake — and for the 2008 presidential race.
"I believe national Republican politics ... really had an effect in Virginia and California," said Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean. "Voters don't like the abuse of power, they don't like the culture of corruption. They want the nation to go in a different way."~Robert Tanner, AP

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Bush and God

Dynamic Duo of Idiocy

"Oh, why oh, why," I mutter as I rub my temples. ""Must I torture myself everynight? Let my blood pressure rise higher than the deficit?". I asked myself these and other questions as I watch "The Factor" on Fox News. Last night was especially painful as Newt Ginrich appeared with the show's host, Bill O'Reilly. They've been joined at the hip lately, two right-wing, big mouthed, "holier than thou" white men with a republican agenda to spread.

In last night's display of blind ranting, the two almost gleefully talked about the riots in France and other European countries. The Fox airwaves are filled with O'Reilly's premise that this is happening to Parisans because they didn't invade Iraq with the U.S. and now they are getting their "up and comings". O'Reilly contradicts himself from a previous show where he talks about the border problem in America (another issue that he beats like a dead horse) when he said that unlike France, America has jobs for it's illegal aliens and so we've "intergrated". In the next breath, he is shouting that if we don't shut down the border between Mexico and America, riots like in France are soon to follow....

Newt jumps in the fight (the two all mighty whiteys patting each other on the back and doing god knows what else under their desks) lining his path to racism with a long speech of chants that if you live in America, you must act like an American. What does this mean, Newt? Do immigrants give up their native language, their food, their values when they cross into United States of Bill and Newt? I shutter to think what they envision but I realize that Bush's White House thinks the same way and the America that I love has suffered many injuries already.

I had to flip to CNN in the middle of Newt, not being able to take anymore. "The Factor" is to this liberal what kryptonite is to Superman . Team Idiot strikes again. Until next time, keep your hybrid batmobile running smoothly and try to find Wonder Woman (we need her lasso for Scooter).

Saturday, November 05, 2005

How To Become A Republican!

Hahaha! Clink on the following link:) :

The Torture Question

Ever wonder how Iraqi detainees are treated since the Abu Ghraib scandal? PBS's Frontline investigated and produced an indepth documentary...

"In mid-August, a FRONTLINE documentary crew made the perilous journey to the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Entering the 280-acre compound in the middle of the night, escorted by helicopters and a convoy of armed Humvees, the crew was following 50 detainees fresh from the battlefield. As they were ordered to kneel in formation on the concrete floor, one detainee nervously asked the FRONTLINE cameraman, "Is this Abu Ghraib?" The answer brought a shudder. "

To watch Frontline's documentary on torture,
link to:

Friday, November 04, 2005

Taste of "The Nation"

The Nation is an excellent source of political and social news. Check out some to the lastest postings here and then subscribe~

November 2, 2005 (November 21, 2005 issue)

All the King's Media
William Greider

Amid the smoke and stench of burning careers, Washington feels a bit like the last days of the ancien régime. As the world's finest democracy, we do not do guillotines. But there are other less bloody rituals of humiliation, designed to reassure the populace that order is restored, the Republic cleansed. Let the perp walks begin. Whether the public feels reassured is another matter.

George W. Bush's plight leads me to thoughts of Louis XV and his royal court in the eighteenth century. Politics may not have changed as much as modern pretensions assume. Like Bush, the French king was quite popular until he was scorned, stubbornly self-certain in his exercise of power yet strangely submissive to manipulation by his courtiers. Like Louis Quinze, our American magistrate (whose own position was secured through court intrigues, not elections) has lost the "royal touch." Certain influential cliques openly jeer the leader they not so long ago extolled; others gossip about royal tantrums and other symptoms of lost direction. The accusations stalking his important counselors and assembly leaders might even send some of them to jail. These political upsets might matter less if the government were not so inept at fulfilling its routine obligations, like storm relief. The king's sorry war drags on without resolution, with people still arguing over why exactly he started it. The staff of life--oil, not bread--has become punishingly expensive. The government is broke, borrowing formidable sums from rival nations. The king pretends nothing has changed.

The burnt odor in Washington is from the disintegrating authority of the governing classes. The public's darkest suspicions seem confirmed. Flagrant money corruption, deceitful communication of public plans and purposes, shocking incompetence--take your pick, all are involved. None are new to American politics, but they are potently fused in the present circumstances. A recent survey in Wisconsin found that only 6 percent of citizens believe their elected representatives serve the public interest. If they think that of state and local officials, what must they think of Washington?

For more of this article, link to:

"Is Wal-Mart going wobbly?" Peter Rothberg~The Nation, Blogger

In his Washington Post column yesterday, Harold Meyerson tried to make sense of some unexpected recent moves by America's largest and most reviled company.

First, Wal-Mart announced plans to soon start offering more affordable health insurance to its employees. Then the company pledged to shift to more environmentally responsible policies and to start monitoring the health and safety practices of its foreign suppliers. Finally, advocates of raising the minimum-wage--stagnant since 1997--received a powerful and unexpected new ally in Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott, who called on Congress to act now to raise wages nationwide.
It seems to me that these initiatives ought to be applauded. Wal-Mart is feeling the heat and reacting accordingly. (The company's share price is down 13 percent.) And this is largely a result of determined organizing dedicated to detailing Wal-Mart's role as the linchpin of the low-wage, no-benefit economy. Activist groups like Wake-Up Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart Watch should take a bow.

Also at play, as Meyerson points out, is Scott's correct assessment of his own self-interest. "Wal-Mart is bumping up against a serious problem at least partly of its own making: Because it pitches its products to a disproportionately low-income clientele, its revenue rises and falls with the fortunes of the lower end of the American working class."

So when the working class is getting royally screwed, Wal-Mart will eventually feel the pain too. (Scott could, of course, raise his own workers' wages, but he dismissed that out-of-hand, saying that he's operating "in a very competitive business climate.")

So the goal for activists now is to keep up the pressure. Scott is smartly showing that he's not immune to public pressure. And that pressure is about to get worse as award-winning filmmaker Robert Greenwald's new documentary, The High Cost of Low Price, on Wal-Mart is now out and available. The film is a powerful, emotional and entertaining way to help trigger change in the way America's largest company conducts business in the US and across the globe. It has the potential to raise much more awareness about what's wrong with Wal-Mart and why--which is the reason that The Nation is part of a national network supporting and promoting the release of the documentary. (It's also a really good movie!)

This film will educate, inspire and motivate viewers and with your assistance, it will be an important part of the campaign to make Wal-Mart a better company. Here's how you can help:

Pre-order the DVD.

Sign up today to host a screening.

RSVP to attend a screening in your neighborhood.

Download and distribute promo material about the film.

Watch and circulate the film's trailer.

posted November 2, 2005 (November 21, 2005 issue)
Can We Talk?
Eric Alterman

Conservatives may look to be imploding at the moment, but liberals have a serious long-term problem that won't go away. Despite an almost perfectly evenly divided electorate, virtually the entire government and most of the opinion media are controlled by extremist right-wing reactionaries. Their advantages, moreover, can only grow as a stacked system of representation favoring rural areas and red-state strongholds, coupled with a traditional but increasing advantage in fundraising, offer the ruling right wing further opportunities to cement their gains and pursue new ones.

To New Democrat academics (and former Clinton Administration officials) Elaine Kamarck and William Galston, authors of the study The Politics of Polarization, the answer is for Democrats to jettison their liberal base and embrace a series of conservative and centrist policy proposals. To New Republic editor Peter Beinart, it is to expunge everyone and everything associated with the 3 million-member, which coincidentally happens to be the most effective organizing and fundraising tool liberals have come up with in the past two decades. Both solutions are not merely misguided but counterproductive. (Beinart's, moreover, is altogether impossible. Just how would liberals expunge MoveOn members? Loyalty oaths? Lie detector tests? What candidate is going to refuse their support? And is this really a moment when so-called "liberal hawks" ought to be lecturing those of us who were right about George Bush's catastrophic war?)
Kamarck and Galston's argument, on the other hand, seems to rest heavily on a simple misunderstanding. Just because voters refused to call themselves "liberal" doesn't mean they reject liberal policy solutions. As I pointed out in my last column, in fact the opposite is true. Kamarck and Galston counsel surrender on exactly the ground where liberals are strongest: public policy arguments where modern--admittedly chastened--liberals share a broad agreement with the majority of Americans on matters of health policy, taxation, environmental protection, regulation, freedom of choice and even most foreign policy issues. No less significant, American voters often care more about whether a given candidate truly believes what he or she says than about whatever this or that policy detail might be. Caving in to conservatives across the board would appear to confirm Robert Frost's devastating quip: A "liberal" is someone so broadminded he won't take his own side in an argument.

For more of this article, link to:

President Low Poll

A new AP-Ipsos poll found the president's approval rating was at 37 percent, compared with 39 percent a month ago. About 59 percent of those surveyed said they disapproved.

The intensity of disapproval is the strongest to date, with 42 percent now saying they "strongly disapprove" of how Bush is handling his job — twice as many as the 20 percent who said they "strongly approve."

"This is the poorest excuse for a president this country has ever had," said Max Hollinberger, a businessman from Stanwood, Wash., who leans Democratic. He cited "the economy, going to war in Iraq for no reason, the way we can get to the tsunami victims before Katrina victims — the whole business."

A year after his re-election, Bush's second term has been marred by rising U.S. casualties in Iraq, a failed attempt to restructure Social Security, Hurricane Katrina missteps, rising fuel costs and his forced withdrawal of the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers.
In a case involving the public naming of a covert CIA operative married to an Iraq war critic, Vice President Dick Cheney's former aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, pleaded not guilty on Thursday in federal court to charges of obstruction of justice, perjury and lying to investigators. The case casts a continuing cloud over Cheney and keeps Bush's closest adviser, Karl Rove, in legal jeopardy.

Republicans are starting to worry about the 2006 elections and hope Bush can reverse his slide.
Several senior Republicans who are close to the White House and Rove say there has been a lot of talk inside and outside the White House about the need for him to leave, but they're picking up no indication from him or his associates that it's going to happen — at least anytime soon.

Neither Bush nor Rove has seemed to get the message, the Republicans say.

Other link on this: